Saturday, April 12, 2014

Showcase at Indievelopment: Photos!

Thanks to everyone who played our game! It was great seeing so many people smile and laugh playing Storkinators.

We're still working on it and it will be done when its done. ;P Keep an eye on this blog, we'll keep you all posted.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Indievelopment 2014

Storkinators is going to be showcased at Indievelopment 2014! We hope to have the game released by then. Either way, check it out of you're going or come back later for photos and coverage of the event.

Indievelopment 2014 is coming! On April 7th at Zijdebalen Theater in Utrecht, your favorite independent developers will visit the Netherlands and tell you all about their development experiences. Traditionally, we will have something for everyone -- tech, design, art; and even better, there will be independent games as far as the eye can reach in our newly added exposition area. 

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Back From the Dead

So! After a hibernation we're refreshed and ready to get back to work. We met up today and discussed the progress we need to make in order to finish Storkinators.

We now have to work part time on the project because we are currently working on our Masters at college. We're all still super-pumped about the game so we're going to work on it as much as we can! We created a loose schedule and hope to have everything implemented into the game at the end of February. After that there will inevitably be some tweaking and polishing before we release.

In other news, Molly went to the zoo and they had storks plotting revenge on humanity. Here's proof:

Thursday, January 16, 2014


It was a good day, lots of footfall and many people who enjoyed the game. We had to pack up our office and are all now super-tired. Before we go to bed and have a long sleep, here's some pictures from today:

Team Storkinators!

We unfortunately have to work on the game a bit longer before we can release it. We reckon max an extra month to implement everything. School may trow some annoying work our way though. :P

From now on there will not be blog entries every day but we'll keep you all posted on our progress and Storkinators news as much as possible. Please come back and see what we're up to! :)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Day 83: 1...


Crunched and set up for the showcase today. It was also Erik's birthday, (our protagonists' voice actor) so we had cherry pie. At least there's that. :P

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day 82: 2...

Two days to go! We're not sure if we're going to make it, if we do it will be absolutely last-minute. Even if we aren't done for the showcase its not too bad. We're really passionate about this project and if it takes a couple of extra days work to make sure its a quality product, so be it. Its just a matter of implementation and bug-fixing at this point anyway so fear not! You will still get your game, we promise. :P

There isn't too much we can really show at the moment since a lot of work is non-visual. One thing we can show is our user interface got a face-lift and is much prettier than before.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Day 80: 6...

Today we printed, cut out and began folding our business cards for the showcase next week.

Stork finger puppets!

We Printed 100, sure hope that's going to be enough!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 79: 7...

Only one week left! D:

Today the first draft of art for one of the puzzles was made. Hopefully it will be to everyone's satisfaction so it can be cut up and implemented into the game.

Here's the original paper prototype made and tested yesterday:

And here's the in-game art made today:

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Day 78: 8...

Work as usual. Its hard to find anything to write about at the moment because the things we are working on are so small and boring to explain. Rest assured that progress is being made, slowly but surely.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Day 76: 10...

10 days left until the Showcase! D: We still have quite a lot of stuff to implement but we're confident we'll be finished in time.

Currently we are cutting up the art for animation, doing the last of the animation and finishing up a bit of art. We need to make final versions of the menus and the art for one of the puzzles. We also need to print our business cards for the showcase.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Day 73-75: Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! Hope its been one to remember with many opportunities ahead. ;)

Work has been a bit strange with the New Year's transition but things will get more solid and easier to report on here on the blog. Monday we will be back together at our office which should help.

In the meantime, here's a map that we';re working on. :P