Tuesday, December 3, 2013


We finally got the interface working today! Now the game indicates that something can be interacted with clearly and unintrusively. (Its even better when its moving, the glitter floats around and the glow pulsates)

Our shiny new interface!

We have been struggling with a few things, such as making it clear that something can be tapped without invading or breaking the visuals in the game. We also had trouble with the colour. We couldn't make the glow white because it can blend into the background. We tried tinting it with colour but it looked pretty unappealing.

An earlier attempt at the Interface

We started looking at other games and trying to come up with a solution. Artist/Lead Annika suggested Lego Marvel Super Heroes, which uses a glitter effect in some areas to denote an intractable object. Glitter just feels good, ya know? It reminds you of Christmas and 90s-rific stickers.

The issue of colour is also solved thanks to Lego Marvel Super Heroes. Some functions the game are given a white aura but with a light blue tint around the edges. This solves the issue of the white blending into the background. The blue colour is also quite appealing to the eye.

Note the flames coming from Iron Man's boots

In other news, the colour storyboard for the final chapter is almost done and work has already begun on illustrations.

We also began work on the last two character designs: Two Chinese Teenagers.

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